Keeping Healthy Honey Bees

Keeping Healthy Honey Bees

  • £11.96
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This title includes: Introduction; the natural history of the honey bee colony; colony reproduction; honey bee nutrition; approaches to bee health management; honey bee diseases and conditions; organisms affecting honey bee health; the essentials of good bee husbandry; caring for the queen; the management of swarming; keeping honey bees healthy through the year; and useful techniques & selected reading. Soft cover, 208 pages.

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About this item

This title includes: Introduction; the natural history of the honey bee colony; colony reproduction; honey bee nutrition; approaches to bee health management; honey bee diseases and conditions; organisms affecting honey bee health; the essentials of good bee husbandry; caring for the queen; the management of swarming; keeping honey bees healthy through the year; and useful techniques & selected reading. Soft cover, 208 pages.

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